About 86Research

86Research's team of professionals offer in-depth knowledge of China's TMT and Consumer sectors, extensive industry contacts, and decades of Wall Street experience serving institutional investors.

We provide state-of-art research services to help investors identify extraordinary investment opportunities in China's Internet and Media, eCommerce, Online Travel , Online Entertainment, O2O sectors, Lodging and Education. We also pay special attention to the China operations of global companies, which are increasingly important to their performance.

Our stock picks emphasize companies that demonstrate:

  • Solid long-term growth potential
  • Positive structural changes in fundamentals
  • Dominant market share
  • Experienced and trustworthy management
  • Reasonable valuation

Our extensive and award-winning experience as former Wall Street sell-side analysts and sales representatives affords us the unique ability to deliver on-the-ground and timely analysis on the China market. Specifically, our services are differentiated from traditional sell- side research by the following:

  • Research products featuring "long-term views" and "short-term actionable data points"
  • All analysts based in China, with access to senior management of publicly traded companies
  • Extensive channel checks with industry professionals and private-company leaders
  • A combination of computerized and manual tracking of key operating metrics
  • Customized research projects for clients
  • Research sales based in New York, California and Shanghai, actively delivering to clients

Our Teams

86Research Team is led by C. Ming Zhao, Head of Research. Ming is the founder of 86Research. Prior to 86Research, Ming had over a dozen years of equity research experience in Chinese technology sectors in both A shares and overseas markets. His most recent profession was senior analyst at SIG, covering Chinese ADRs for seven years. Ming also worked for China Eagle Securities and Huaan Fund Management for over three years before moving to the U.S. In his field, Ming was ranked "Best Analysts on the Street (#1, 2010)" by Wall Street Journal and "World's Top Analyst (#2, 2008)" by Financial Times. Ming graduated from University of Pittsburgh (MBA), Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (MS) and Beijing University of Posts and Telecom (BE). Ming is a CFA and FRM holder.

Our institutional sales team is led by Mark Durkin, Head of Sales based in New York City. Before joining 86Research, Mark was a senior institutional sales representative at Caris & Company for one year. Prior to Caris, Mark spent 2005-2010 at SIG in institutional sales; 2002 -2005 at Fulcrum Global Partners; and 1997-2002 at Robertson Stephens. Mark has over 25 years of experience in equity research and sales, beginning from Salomon Brothers and J.P. Morgan. Mark graduated from Colorado College (BA).

Corporate Access

86Research highlights corporate access as a core business in its daily operations. 86Research analysts and sales representatives work proactively and closely with clients to talk to corporate management and industry professionals.

We organize a variety of activities and events for institutional clients to provide knowledge about subjects industries and companies, including:

Management non-deal road shows

Conference calls with management(including video conferencing)

China field trips

Industry conferences

Calls with industry professionals and private companies(including video conferencing)

Analyst calls and marketing meetings

Let's Work Together!

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  • 1、本科学历,经管学院优先,工作细致,认真,有责任心;
  • 2、具备良好的沟通协调能力,善于统筹安排,服务意识强;
  • 3、熟练使用office办公软件,英语良好。


  • 1、负责研究产品运营支持工作,包括产品汇总、对外产品宣传材料制作、参会记录统计等;
  • 2、负责研究产品后台维护工作,包括各平台客户服务用量统计及白名单维护等;
  • 3、负责86Zoomcall,86Live等各类线上线下会议的筹备及安排工作;
  • 4、负责其他相关的业务支持,包括研究部门内及跨部门的会议协调及安排,客户会议通知提醒及会议中多媒体设备接入等。




  • 1、本科及以上学历,英语、金融相关专业;
  • 2、3年以上笔译经验,擅长翻译证券研报、财经新闻;
  • 3、英语基本功扎实,能看懂并审核英文报告;
  • 4、能按时完成分配的工作,有团队合作精神,注重细节;
  • 5、有1年以上金融翻译经验优先。


  • 1、审核和发布英文研究报告;
  • 2、翻译英文研报并发布中文版研报;
  • 3、翻译财经新闻和深度报道(中译英为主);
  • 4、编辑和发布财经新闻和深度报道;
  • 5、上级安排的其他翻译或编辑工作。

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